NQTF 2022

Originally named The South Carolina Quantum Technology Forum (SCQTF), the inaugural version of the NQTF was held at Clemson University (Clemson, SC) on April 29 and 30, 2022. The conference hosted over 100 participants from all across the US. Over 25 invited speakers including 7 keynote speakers attended SCQTF 2022 to discuss their insight into quantum technology research and education. A complete list of speakers is provided below.



Kasra Sardashti
Clemson University

Charlotte Bøttcher
Harvard University

Lin Zhu
Clemson University

Patryk Gumann



2022 Speakers


Professor Charles Marcus
Niels Bohr Institute

Professor Christopher Monroe
Duke University | IonQ

Professor Phillip Kim
Harvard University

Professor Warner Miller
Florida Atlantic University

Congressman Jeff Duncan
SC-03, US House of Representatives

Vayl Oxford
Director for Global Security Strategy, SRNL

Alex Cronin
Deputy Director, National Quantum Coordination Office, OSTP



Edwin Barnes
Virginia Tech

Charlotte Bøttcher
Harvard University 

Hugh Churchill
University of Arkansas, NSF MonArk Quantum Foundry

Sumitra Dey

Mark Elo
Tabor Electronics

Patryk Gumann

Shannon Harvey
Stanford University

Jin Hu
University of Arkansas

Joseph Kolis
Clemson University

Eli Levenson-Falk
University of Southern California

Qiang Lin
University of Rochester

Michael Mikota
President, Spartanburg Community College

Christopher Rouleau
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Harriet van der Vliet
Oxford Instruments

Javad Shabani
New York University

Saulius Vaitiekenas
Niels Bohr Institute

William Vandenberghe
UT Dallas





REGISTER for nqtf 2023


Registration is open until April 13th, 2023. The fee includes breakfasts, lunches, and refreshments for both days.